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Friend & Foe



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01/15/19 Friend & Foe
(Add Date)
01/15/19 Friend & Foe

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"Winds only partly favorable."

By TallSilhouette 19th Jan 2019 | 3,616 views 
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Set out on an epic story of transformation, where shifting between the perspectives of a bird and a child will be key to unravel the land's mysteries and create a path forward through the barren landscape.  As you do so, the remnants of the world react to your passage, evolving and building into something altogether different.

Source: Developer

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Game Information Updated Marth 24th Mar 2019
Release Date Added to Database Marth 24th Mar 2019
Release Date Added to Database VersusEvil 10th Dec 2018
Game Summary added to Database VersusEvil 10th Dec 2018
Game Summary added to Database VersusEvil 09th Dec 2018
Screenshot Added VersusEvil 09th Dec 2018
Screenshot Added VersusEvil 09th Dec 2018
Screenshot Added VersusEvil 09th Dec 2018
Screenshot Added VersusEvil 09th Dec 2018
Screenshot Added VersusEvil 09th Dec 2018
Game Information Updated VersusEvil 09th Dec 2018
Release Date Added to Database VersusEvil 09th Dec 2018
Game Banner Added to Database VersusEvil 09th Dec 2018
Boxart Added VersusEvil 09th Dec 2018
Game Added to Database VersusEvil 09th Dec 2018

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