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34BigThings srl



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Release Dates

01/18/19 34BigThings srl
05/08/19 H2 Interactive Co., Ltd.
01/15/19 34BigThings srl

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Mix roguelite with tower defense while listening to a pretentious militaristic speech, then takeoff towards the stars! Mars or Die is a strategic combo of tactical planning, execution and reflexes unique to the genre, designed to afford exploration and multiple-base building, while resisting hordes of increasingly big red Martians.

Building, Scouting, Fighting and Upgrading are the four pillars of the game core loop. Explorers roam the Red Planet on foot: their respirators have limited capabilities so they will need to build O2 Tanks. In order to do so, they must find and mine Crystals, to accumulate resources. Players can perform multiple tasks by switching control between Explorers at any time: Scout Bean, fast and nimble, equipped with a bullet-deflecting shield, or Major Bob, slower but armed with a deadly 9-rounds pistol. While the player controls one character, the other will automatically assist by mining nearby Crystals or repairing damaged structures, besides defending himself. Support structures such as Solar Panels, Auto Miners and Glorious Flags expand the base, while defensive structures such as Armories, Turrets and Heavy Turrets keep enemy waves at bay.

The Campaign is divided in 9 Missions with variegated objectives (seek and recover, build, defend, escape), unfolding the story of our two Intrepid Explorers and their regime.
Once the Campaign is completed players will unlock Endless Mode, in which hordes of aliens will progressively make life harder and the goal is simply to survive for as long as possible. A global leaderboard will show those players who survive the longest.

Source: Developer

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Release Date Added to Database Marth 06th May 2019
Boxart Added Marth 06th May 2019
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Release Date Added to Database Marth 06th May 2019
Screenshot Added Marth 06th May 2019
Screenshot Added Marth 06th May 2019
Screenshot Added Marth 06th May 2019
Screenshot Added Marth 06th May 2019
Screenshot Added Marth 06th May 2019
Screenshot Added Marth 06th May 2019
Screenshot Added Marth 06th May 2019
Game Summary added to Database Marth 06th May 2019
Game Information Updated Marth 06th May 2019
Game Banner Added to Database Marth 06th May 2019
Boxart Added Marth 06th May 2019

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