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Release Dates

03/26/21 Capcom
03/26/21 Capcom
03/26/21 Capcom

Community Stats

Owners: 18
Favorite: 3
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 4

Avg Community Rating:


"Rising to the occasion."

By Paul Broussard 13th Apr 2021 | 3,985 views 
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Rise to the challenge and join the hunt!

The critically acclaimed action-RPG series returns to the Nintendo Switch!

Set in the ninja-inspired land of Kamura Village, explore lush ecosystems and battle fearsome monsters to become the ultimate hunter. It’s been half a century since the last calamity struck, but a terrifying new monster has reared its head and threatens to plunge the land into chaos once again.

Hunt solo or in a party with friends to earn rewards that you can use to craft a huge variety of weapons and armor. Brand new gameplay systems such as the high-flying ‘Wire Action’ and your canine companion ‘Palamute’ will add exciting new layers to the already robust combat that Monster Hunter is known for.

Whether it’s at home, on the go, online or offline - you’ll always be ready for your next hunt on the Nintendo Switch!

Source: Nintendo

Latest Screenshots

Latest Updates

Game Information Updated nintendocentral 25th Aug 2022
Boxart Added Machina 29th Mar 2021
Screenshot Added Marth 17th Sep 2020
Screenshot Added Marth 17th Sep 2020
Screenshot Added Marth 17th Sep 2020
Screenshot Added Marth 17th Sep 2020
Screenshot Added Marth 17th Sep 2020
Screenshot Added Marth 17th Sep 2020
Game Summary added to Database Marth 17th Sep 2020
Boxart Added Marth 17th Sep 2020
Game Banner Added to Database Marth 17th Sep 2020
Game Banner Added to Database Marth 17th Sep 2020
Game Information Updated Marth 17th Sep 2020
Boxart Added Marth 17th Sep 2020
Release Date Added to Database Marth 17th Sep 2020

Shipping Total

7,700,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2021

Opinion (3)

FarleyMcFirefly posted 02/02/2022, 09:52
7.7 million as of Dec. 31, 2021. Very nice!
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Mbolibombo posted 02/02/2022, 11:45
Switch version is up to 7.7M units as of the end of 2021.
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heavenmercenary01 posted 15/05/2021, 12:45
Best selling MonHun on a single platform.
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