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Merge Games




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NS, PS4, PS5, XOne, XS

Release Dates

06/22/21 Merge Games
(Add Date)
06/22/21 Merge Games

Community Stats

Owners: 1
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"Sweet Thing (Reprise)."

By Craig S 22nd Jun 2021 | 2,818 views 
Read full review 


A legend returns in stunning new detail with Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX! Fire up your power bracelet and relive a platforming classic alongside new modes, levels and features!

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Release Date Added to Database Machina 17th Jun 2021
Release Date Added to Database Machina 17th Jun 2021
Screenshot Added Machina 21st May 2021
Screenshot Added Machina 21st May 2021
Screenshot Added Machina 21st May 2021
Screenshot Added Machina 21st May 2021
Screenshot Added Machina 21st May 2021
Screenshot Added Machina 21st May 2021
Screenshot Added Machina 21st May 2021
Screenshot Added Machina 21st May 2021
Screenshot Added Machina 21st May 2021
Screenshot Added Machina 21st May 2021
Game Summary added to Database Machina 21st May 2021
Game Banner Added to Database Machina 21st May 2021
Boxart Added Machina 21st May 2021

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