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Silver Lining Studio



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Guide brush strokes and solve a variety of puzzles to help an aspiring artist complete her masterpiece amid her brusque neighbor’s gaze and his pesky cat. As her painting starts to take shape, uncover an emotional tale of chance and artistry revealed behind unrelated yet familiar moments.

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Screenshot Added Machina 14th Jun 2021
Screenshot Added Machina 14th Jun 2021
Screenshot Added Machina 14th Jun 2021
Screenshot Added Machina 14th Jun 2021
Screenshot Added Machina 14th Jun 2021
Game Summary added to Database Machina 14th Jun 2021
Game Banner Added to Database Machina 14th Jun 2021
Boxart Added Machina 14th Jun 2021
Boxart Added Machina 14th Jun 2021
Game Added to Database Darwinianevolution 13th Jun 2021

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