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Remedy Entertainment



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10/27/23 Remedy Entertainment
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Alan Wake is not dead, although he has wished he was many times. For 13 years he’s been a prisoner in the Dark Place, where his nightmares, his fears, and his stories manifest as reality around him. For 13 years, he has been fighting to stay sane and write a story that would change reality around him in order for him to escape. So far, he has failed.

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Release Date Added to Database Conina 21st Jul 2024
Screenshot Added Machina 24th Oct 2023
Screenshot Added Machina 24th Oct 2023
Screenshot Added Machina 24th Oct 2023
Screenshot Added Machina 24th Oct 2023
Screenshot Added Machina 24th Oct 2023
Screenshot Added Machina 24th Oct 2023
Screenshot Added Machina 24th Oct 2023
Game Banner Added to Database Machina 24th Oct 2023
Game Summary added to Database Machina 24th Oct 2023
Boxart Added Machina 26th Aug 2023
Game Banner Added to Database Machina 10th Dec 2021
Boxart Added Machina 10th Dec 2021
Boxart Added Machina 10th Dec 2021
Game Added to Database Machina 10th Dec 2021

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