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Studio Pixel Punk



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Alma is an Automaton that awakens to a world in ruin after the war with the humans. Anima, the resource that gives Automatons sentience, is running out and turning Alma’s friends into mindless killing machines, the UNSIGHTED.

UNSIGHTED invites you to master it over multiple playthroughs to find the real catharsis the game has to offer. Can you save everyone?

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Screenshot Added Machina 10th Feb 2022
Screenshot Added Machina 10th Feb 2022
Screenshot Added Machina 10th Feb 2022
Screenshot Added Machina 10th Feb 2022
Screenshot Added Machina 10th Feb 2022
Game Summary added to Database Machina 10th Feb 2022
Game Banner Added to Database Machina 10th Feb 2022
Boxart Added Machina 10th Feb 2022
Boxart Added Machina 10th Feb 2022
Game Added to Database Machina 09th Feb 2022

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