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How long have you developed your thinking and attentiveness? Today we will give you such an opportunity, as an interesting and attractive game appeared on our vast spaces, which allows us to poke our brains. Game aMAZE ZER0 perfectly suitable not only for your children, but also the whole family.

Try to get through the tangled labyrinth. After exiting the labyrinth, you will move to a larger labyrinth, and this will continue until you can not get out of all the labyrinths.
In this game you need to pass a small ball through the maze. It should be brought to the portal, which is usually located at the other end of the labyrinth.

The game has three kind of levels, choose based on your preferences.

Levels became even greater, they became even more difficult and more interesting.

Not many maze games will create a whole new kinds of maze for you.

Use the keyboard arrow keys to navigate the different mazes


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Boxart Added hellobion2 18th Feb 2024
Game Banner Added to Database hellobion2 18th Feb 2024
Game Summary added to Database hellobion2 17th Feb 2024
Game Added to Database hellobion2 28th Jan 2024

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