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Origin Systems, Inc.



Release Dates

01/01/88 Origin Systems
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Owners: 3
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Enter the realm of Britannia: a world rich in history, adventure, and intrigue. Lord British, the benevolent ruler of Britannia, has been lost on an expedition to explore the vast reaches of a newly discovered underworld. Panic erupts in Britannia when the sole survivor of the expedition returns with dread tales of their fate. To restore peace, the trusted but ambitious subject, Blackthorn seizes control of Britannia. His fanatical devotion to order ultimately transforms him into a self-righteous tyrant. Now, Britannia's destiny depends on your ability to discover the fate of Lord British and to unseat the merciless Blackthorn.

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Release Date Added to Database okr 09th Oct 2009
Game Banner Added to Database okr 09th Oct 2009
Box Art Added okr 18th Jun 2008
Game Added to Database okr 18th Jun 2008

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