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Origin Systems, Inc.



Release Dates

03/25/93 Origin Systems
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As the Avatar, you thwarted the Guardian in Ultima VII The Black Gate. Eighteen months have passed since your seeming victory, but you now find yourself trapped in Britannia by the same circumstances that keep the evil at bay. Vital questions remain unanswered and deep mysteries remain unsolved.
What is causing the terrible magic storms? Where is Batlin, leader of the defeated Fellowship? Have you truly defeated the Guardian, or does he lurk in the shadows awaiting another chance to destroy Britannia?
The solution can be found on the legendary Serpent Isle. As you explore this new land, you discover a grave imbalance between the twin forces of Order and Chaos - the root of Britannia's troubles. It's a race against time - and the countdown has already begun.

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Game Banner Added to Database okr 09th Oct 2009
Release Date Added to Database okr 09th Oct 2009
Box Art Added okr 18th Jun 2008
Game Added to Database okr 18th Jun 2008

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