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Sierra On-Line



Release Dates

12/31/95 Sierra Online
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Owners: 16
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Point and click adventure using live actors. Taking place near the Bavarian forests, Gabriel Knight seeks out to find out about a string of wolf attacks. The local villagers turn to "Herr Knight", as they believe the wolf attacks are warewolves. Venture through many locations in Germany, learn about the composer Wagner during your travels as well. If you're a fan of point and click adventures, it is worth going back to play this one if you missed it. Will work on all Windows OS'es up to XP.

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Game Information Updated oliist 10th Jul 2009
Game Information Updated spamb0t 10th Jul 2009
Release Date Added to Database spamb0t 10th Jul 2009
Game Banner Added to Database okr 30th May 2009
Game Summary added to Database bardicverse 05th Jul 2008
Box Art Added bardicverse 03rd Jul 2008
Game Added to Database bardicverse 01st Jul 2008

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