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Alternative Names

Everlight: Elves into Power


Silver Style Entertainment



Release Dates

10/07/08 DreamCatcher Interactive
(Add Date)
09/27/07 Atari

Community Stats

Owners: 1
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With a candle’s last breath, journey to a world of magic and mystery. Accompanied by your personal fairy guide, explore the world of Everlight and discover your magical talents lying dormant within.

The inhabitants of the village of Tallen are cursed. By day, they go about their business and live their lives. By night, they become their polar opposite personality, and their lives are turned upside down! Empowered with the ability to function both during the day and at night, you are Tallen’s only hope to lift the curse.

The Adventure Company

Latest Updates

Game Summary added to Database Blacksaber 07th Jan 2010
Game Information Updated Blacksaber 07th Jan 2010
Game Banner Added to Database Blacksaber 07th Jan 2010
Game Banner Added to Database okr 28th May 2009
Game Information Updated oliist 09th May 2009
Game Information Updated oliist 09th May 2009
Release Date Added to Database oliist 09th May 2009
Boxart Added oliist 09th May 2009
Release Date Added to Database oliist 09th May 2009
Boxart Added oliist 09th May 2009
Boxart Added oliist 09th May 2009
Boxart Added okr 09th May 2009
Release Date Added to Database okr 09th May 2009
Game Information Updated okr 09th May 2009
Box Art Added Blaiyan 12th Sep 2008

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