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id Software



Other Versions

PC, X360

Release Dates

10/04/11 Bethesda Softworks
10/06/11 Bethesda Softworks
10/07/11 Bethesda Softworks

Community Stats

Owners: 68
Favorite: 3
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 5
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:


"Id is back in a big way. "

By Nick Pantazis 04th Oct 2011 | 34,284 views 
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RAGE is a groundbreaking first-person shooter set in the not-too-distant future after an asteroid impacts Earth, leaving a ravaged world behind. You emerge into this vast wasteland to discover humanity working to rebuild itself against such forces as raider gangs, mutants, and the Authority – an oppressive government regime that has a special interest in you in particular. Featuring intense first-person action, vehicle combat, an expansive world and jaw-dropping graphics powered by id’s revolutionary idTech 5 technology. RAGE promises an experience like no other.

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Latest Updates

Release Date Added to Database oliist 26th Apr 2011
Release Date Added to Database oliist 27th Jan 2011
Game Information Updated oliist 09th Jan 2011
Release Date Added to Database oliist 14th Aug 2010
Release Date Added to Database oliist 14th Aug 2010
Release Date Added to Database oliist 14th Aug 2010
Game Information Updated oliist 14th Aug 2010
Screenshots Added theprof00 13th Nov 2009
Screenshots Added theprof00 13th Nov 2009
Screenshots Added theprof00 13th Nov 2009
Screenshots Added theprof00 13th Nov 2009
Screenshots Added theprof00 13th Nov 2009
Screenshots Added theprof00 13th Nov 2009
Boxart Added zexen_lowe 13th Aug 2009
Game Information Updated zexen_lowe 13th Aug 2009

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (17)

1 10,898 124,492 67,962 41,256 244,608
2 4,503 37,866 41,194 19,389 102,952
3 2,521 14,519 17,276 7,929 42,245
4 2,008 15,323 18,647 8,196 44,174
5 1,917 13,115 8,578 4,678 28,288
6 1,667 7,778 11,230 4,720 25,395
7 1,554 5,041 10,828 4,184 21,607
8 1,426 7,123 13,243 5,260 27,052
9 1,412 8,753 23,081 8,919 42,165
10 1,853 10,244 27,229 10,459 49,785
VGKing posted 22/04/2012, 11:27
Surprised this reached 1 mil. Wow.
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withdreday posted 26/03/2012, 10:45
One of the worst endings of all time. This could've been a classic otherwise.
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Cold Light posted 25/03/2012, 03:32
Yes. Now go make DooM 4, id Software.
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Cold Light posted 05/03/2012, 03:28
1M soon. Good!
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plu_To posted 20/02/2012, 11:06
The FPS segments were great, absolutely destested the driving segments
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Shinobi-san posted 29/01/2012, 03:49
Can any1 tell me if updating the game has any effect on loading times and maybe pop in?
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