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Blizzard Entertainment



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Release Dates

03/12/13 Blizzard Entertainment
03/12/12 Blizzard Entertainment
03/12/13 Blizzard Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 18
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:



Welcome to The Hive Mind

You are Sarah Kerrigan, former Queen of Blades. Once the most feared entity in the galaxy, you now wait in a cell in the depths of a high-security research laboratory. Before the murderous forces of the Terran Dominion close in, you must plot your escape to the dark reaches of space… and reclaim your living empire at the Heart of the Swarm.

Source: Blizzard

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Game Information Updated Marth 25th Jun 2018
Game Summary added to Database Marth 03rd Jan 2018
Release Date Added to Database Marth 03rd Jan 2018
Critic Review Added to Database Marth 03rd Jan 2018
Critic Review Added to Database Marth 03rd Jan 2018
Critic Review Added to Database Marth 03rd Jan 2018
Critic Review Added to Database Marth 03rd Jan 2018
Critic Review Added to Database Marth 03rd Jan 2018
Critic Review Added to Database Marth 03rd Jan 2018
Critic Review Added to Database Marth 03rd Jan 2018
Critic Review Added to Database Marth 03rd Jan 2018
Critic Review Added to Database Marth 02nd Jan 2018
Game Information Updated Marth 02nd Jan 2018
Boxart Added Marth 02nd Jan 2018
Release Date Added to Database XD84 31st Dec 2017

Shipping Total

1,100,000 Units
As of: March 31st, 2013

Opinion (1)

Smeags posted 27/05/2009, 05:02
Blech... I still shake my head every time I see three StarCraft II games instead of one... but I'm hopeless without my precious Blizzard RTS goodness, so buy them I must.

So sweet... so beautiful... my precious...
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