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SQUIBS ARCADE is a collection of Games, which initially were based on the old style of LCD games. This germ of an idea then grew into a much bigger concept. SQUIBS ARCADE takes inspiration from the current generation of AAA titles, distilling the game play to its most fundamental form, and re-imagining them with the style and passion of the classic LCD games. The titles within SQUIBS ARCADE are – Clown, Gun Cogs, Crowd Wader, Button Basher, Fantasy Turn Base, Call of Honour, Jack-a-motor, Lots of Levelling, Cardboard Axel Mush, We're Fat, and Regret the Fist. The game titles being both homages and parodies of the games which inspired them. Alten8 believes that SQUIBS ARCADE will appeal to both casual game players, but also hardcore game fans, who will recognise the tributes Alten8 is paying to their favourite games, and also enjoy the genuine addictive game play to be found in SQUIBS ARCADE.

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Game Summary added to Database nordlead 07th Apr 2009
Game Added to Database nordlead 07th Apr 2009

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