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Strategic Simulations, Inc.



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Release Dates

12/01/88 SSI
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The city of Phlan lies in ruins. Your band of adventurers can help to rebuild the once-proud city and restore it to its former glory. Along the way you hope to find the legendary Pool of Radiance, said to glow with its own mystical power. Does it really give tremendous strength to the warrior who bathes in its magic waters? Or is that just an elfin myth? Before you meet the challenges ahead you must create your characters and choose their races and battle skills. Then set off on your glorious quest to drive out the monsters and let civilization reign once more! FANTASY ROLE PLAYING ADVENTURE!


Source: Game Box (NES)

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Game Banner Added to Database okr 30th Aug 2009
Game Information Updated oliist 01st May 2009
Boxart Added oliist 01st May 2009
Boxart Added oliist 01st May 2009
Release Date Added to Database oliist 01st May 2009
Boxart Added Ausfalcon 01st May 2009
Game Added to Database Ausfalcon 01st May 2009

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