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Alternative Names

グランヂィア II


Game Arts



Other Versions


Release Dates

12/06/00 Ubisoft
08/03/00 Game Arts
02/23/01 Ubisoft

Community Stats

Owners: 127
Favorite: 7
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:



Designed to be the Final Fantasy for the Dreamcast, a title which was eventually passed onto Skies of Arcadia, Grandia II was nevertheless one of the defining RPG's of the Dreamcast. Despite lackluster ports to other platforms, the original Dreamcast version is an incredibly immersive RPG, with a fantastic story and a unique tactical battle system which many believe to be the best of any Console RPG in history. 

Battles involve tactical manouvering such as evading attacks, timing attacks for counters, delaying the enemy's attack, as well as cancelling the attacks of an enemy if timed correctly. An incredibly in depth battle system that has unfortunately never beentaken and improved upon.

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Latest Updates

Game Information Updated oliist 04th Jan 2010
Critic Review Added to Database pbroy 19th Aug 2009
Game Banner Added to Database Leunam 16th Aug 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 10th Aug 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 10th Aug 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 10th Aug 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 10th Aug 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 10th Aug 2009
Game Information Updated Son1x 22nd Jun 2009
Game Information Updated NinjaBlade360 21st Jun 2009
Game Information Updated dunno001 27th May 2009
Boxart Added oliist 03rd Dec 2008
Boxart Added oliist 03rd Dec 2008
Boxart Added oliist 03rd Dec 2008
Boxart Added oliist 03rd Dec 2008

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Opinion (9)

domflo posted 18/06/2014, 10:49
Just played through it and damn... what an underrated game. Has become one of my favourite JRPGs of all time. If anyone sees this comment (I doubt there will be many who see it), you have to play this, and preferably the DC version since I heard that performance is really bad on the PS2 version. Do yourself the favour!
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Tizona posted 11/05/2011, 12:09
One of my top 5 all time RPGs
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c0rd posted 06/12/2009, 11:49
I love this game. The battle system rocks. I had plenty of fun in my most recent playthrough, beating it using normal attacks alone (combo / criticals).
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piggychan posted 18/04/2009, 09:05
this was ok. battle system is great but the characters fell short of the originals.
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g-value posted 31/03/2009, 02:39
One of the best jrpgs.
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skunkfish posted 17/01/2009, 01:53
Bought this for by DC and loved it. Wonder how many it sold in US/Europe?
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