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No Boxart

No Boxart

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Quel Solar



Release Dates

01/01/70 Unknown
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Love is easy

Love is played form a first person view, because you should see the world not yourself. The controls of Love are designed to be a simple as possible to let you engage more in the story. Not dumbed down, but purified. All the mechanics designed to act as story devices to help the narrative. Each server has about 200 people registered, but as the same people comeback again and again you can make friends and get story continuity. With so few players you can get to know most of them and you can matter to the world. When you go to play Love its not just to see what is going to happen, its to see what has happened since your last play session too.

Shared World

In the world you can find a "Token" that lets you create a settlement. In this settlement the terrain is deformable so that you can build houses, caves of what ever else you want. Other players ca join your settlement to help you develop it and protect it. When you go out in the world you can find other tokens that you can put in your settlement giving you new tools and things you can build. Once a token has been placed in a settlement any one in that settlement can use it so all resources are shared among the community. If you bring in new Tokens to the community it will matter for everyone not just you. This system forms the basis of the social gaming structure of Love, as players are never competing against each other and are always playing against AI characters.

Building Structure

The building system lets you not only deform the terrain and place out object like trees, it also lets you lets you create infrastructure. Various object can be connected to work together by setting Coordinates, Radio frequencies and keywords. For instance you can set up a sensor, that sends a keyword over a radio frequency to open a door. This system is also used by infrastructure built by AI characters. By studying infrastructure the players can "hack" it by sending commands over the right frequencies. This system lets players build intricate relation sips, but it also sets up plot as the players will need to manipulate enemy installations, like deactivating shields, opening doors, and cut power to enemy weapons.

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Latest Updates

Release Date Added to Database Killergran 29th May 2009
Game Banner Added to Database Killergran 26th May 2009
Game Summary added to Database Killergran 26th May 2009
Screenshots Added Killergran 26th May 2009
Screenshots Added Killergran 26th May 2009
Game Added to Database Killergran 26th May 2009

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Opinion (2)

dsister44 posted 22/10/2009, 03:20
This game would be a lot cooler if it had any kind of sound
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Killergran posted 26/05/2009, 12:41
This is my favorite upcoming game. It's looking to be awesome!
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