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Alternative Names

クライシス 2





Other Versions

All, PS3, X360

Release Dates

03/22/11 Electronic Arts
04/14/11 Electronic Arts
03/25/11 Electronic Arts

Community Stats

Owners: 77
Favorite: 10
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 3
Now Playing: 3

Avg Community Rating:



It’s 2023, terrifying alien invaders stalk the New York City streets. Only you can prevail, wielding the supersoldier enhancements of Nanosuit 2.

BE STRONG – Take on multiple enemies with Armor mode, mince them with heavy weapons or squash them by kicking cars.

BE FAST – Get to the action quickly, then powerjump, ledgegrab and slide round the environment with amazing agility.

BE INVISIBLE – Use Stealth mode to set traps or hit and run your enemies, or snipe from a concealed position.

BE THE WEAPON – With the Nanosuit, you choose how you want to play.

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Screenshot Added hellobion2 04th Feb 2024
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Screenshot Added hellobion2 04th Feb 2024
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Screenshot Added hellobion2 04th Feb 2024
Screenshot Added hellobion2 04th Feb 2024
Screenshot Added hellobion2 04th Feb 2024

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (20)

1 n/a 39,181 48,719 18,035 105,935
2 n/a 10,320 15,773 5,485 31,578
3 n/a 6,834 7,317 2,850 17,001
4 n/a 5,995 5,489 2,268 13,752
5 n/a 4,356 4,897 1,875 11,128
6 n/a 3,547 2,547 1,167 7,261
7 n/a 1,986 1,958 787 4,731
8 n/a 1,488 4,157 1,261 6,906
9 n/a 1,519 7,202 2,028 10,749
10 n/a 1,956 5,675 1,711 9,342
cars298 posted 09/11/2011, 12:40
we play in america in this game......less selling as its performance
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Zkuq posted 08/08/2011, 08:25
@-girgosz-: This game WAS on Steam. Anyway, it got what it deserved (and maybe even more than it deserved on consoles).
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-girgosz- posted 07/07/2011, 03:11
And the game isn't even on steam so the sales are REEEEAAAAALLY crap.
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yahoocom1984 posted 28/06/2011, 09:55
DX 11 patch just came out, Nvidia paid Crytek 2 million dollars to release the patch
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yahoocom1984 posted 28/06/2011, 09:55
DX 11 patch just came out, Nvidia paid Crytek 2 million dollars to release the patch
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chidori-chan2 posted 03/05/2011, 12:07
awfull sales.
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