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The main feature of the Trinity expansion is the total overhaul of our visuals, a massive task that took our talented artists and programmers 50 man-years to produce. You can see the stunning results on our screenshots page, although for the best results you really have to get into the game and fly around in the vastness of beautiful space. However, this grand conjuration of visual splendor is far from the only thing we're bringing you. Trinity includes a host of improvements that run the gamut from content to gameplay, giving you shiny new ships to play with, hundreds of new and exciting things to do with them, and a range of tweaks and fixes that make EVE even better to play than before. For all the details on these, simply click on a link to your right.


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Game Summary added to Database non-gravity 03rd Aug 2009
Game Information Updated non-gravity 03rd Aug 2009
Game Added to Database non-gravity 03rd Aug 2009

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