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Release Dates

01/21/09 Microsoft
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Owners: 3
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This game was classified by the community with the following category scores - Violence=1/3, Sex=0/3, Mature Content=1/3. The land of Gargore is a mass of warring kingdoms each with it's own army. However, even the mightiest army fears a 'Fanatic', solitary warriors who live to fight and conquer and are remembered according to the number of their victories and the greatness of their deeds. You are one such Fanatic, a magical warrior with the strength of an army.

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Game Banner Added to Database hellobion2 12th Mar 2024
Screenshots Added pbroy 11th Sep 2009
Game Summary added to Database pbroy 04th Sep 2009
Release Date Added to Database pbroy 04th Sep 2009
Boxart Added pbroy 04th Sep 2009
Game Added to Database pbroy 04th Sep 2009

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