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Release Dates

10/18/09 Microsoft
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Owners: 1
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This game was classified by the community with the following category scores - Violence=0/3, Sex=0/3, Mature Content=0/3. Destroy the Universe in a rainbow of sugar rush colours, viewed through psychedelic sunglasses in a cheap 80's nightclub. TRANSLATION: A fun, chaotic twin-stick shoot-em-up with 6 game modes, 4 difficulty settings, 24 high score tables, 100 trials, multiple power-ups and weapons. And it's not terrible (You might even like it!)

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Game Summary added to Database pbroy 20th Oct 2009
Release Date Added to Database pbroy 20th Oct 2009
Boxart Added pbroy 20th Oct 2009
Game Added to Database pbroy 20th Oct 2009

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