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Alternative Names



Day 1 Studios



Other Versions

PC, X360

Release Dates

06/21/11 Warner Bros. Interactive
07/21/11 Warner Bros. Interactive
06/24/11 Warner Bros. Interactive

Community Stats

Owners: 19
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
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Eight months ago, Point Man and his F.E.A.R. squad were tapped to stop an unknown man who had commandeered a secret battalion of telepathically-controlled supersoldiers at the Armacham research facility in the Northwestern US city of Fairport. During the mission Point Man learned that the man wasn’t working alone. In fact, the very people Point Man was working to destroy were his telepathic, cannibalistic brother, Paxton Fettel, and his tortured and psychically powerful mother, Alma Wade—products of Armacham’s perverse paranormal experiments. Despite this revelation, Point Man moved forward with the standing F.E.A.R. team orders to stop the targets at any cost. In a last-ditch attempt to end the pair’s homicidal rampage, the F.E.A.R. team set in motion an explosive series of events that seemingly accomplished their goal but at the cost of ravaging the city, its inhabitants and almost all of Point Man’s squad mates.

For months following the blast, events in Fairport have made it clear that Alma’s psychic influence survived—and worse, her paranormal power is growing and spilling into reality. Now her supernatural agony repeatedly rocks the city as she attempts to secure the survival of her bloodline and reunite her family. Armacham’s security force remains violently focused on eliminating all evidence of the events in the city, and the remaining F.E.A.R squad carries on the mission to stop Alma.

With the chain of command broken and Point Man calling his own shots, where will his allegiance lie? With his brother Paxton Fettel, back from the dead, arriving with an unclear agenda and refusing to leave Point Man’s side? With his pregnant mother Alma and her horrifically twisted, yet immensely powerful paranormal existence? Or with his remaining F.E.A.R. squad brethren who are hell bent on saving the world, but at the cost of destroying the only blood ties Point Man has ever had?

(Official site)

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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (3)

1 n/a 36,236 11,851 9,365 57,452
2 n/a 7,918 8,936 4,162 21,016
3 n/a 4,881 5,621 2,603 13,105
4 n/a 4,017 2,743 1,514 8,274
5 4,324 3,373 1,895 1,136 10,728
6 1,689 1,702 1,555 772 5,718
7 927 1,338 1,109 570 3,944
8 739 1,117 817 439 3,112
9 657 1,163 434 319 2,573
10 495 828 671 348 2,342
SolidGear3 posted 18/11/2011, 08:55
Bought Day 1 and love it. Still consider 2 the best in the series though.
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Iveyboi posted 03/08/2011, 07:29
Finally picked it up!
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Pjams posted 18/07/2011, 12:27
I was surprised, but this is a very polished and well made FPS. Probably the funnest FPS I've played this year.
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