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ICOM Simulations, Inc.



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Release Dates

01/01/85 Mindscape
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The story takes place in Chicago, 1941. Theodore "Ace" Harding is a retired boxer, currently working as a private investigator. One morning he wakes up in Joe's Bar bathroom stall suffering from amnesia. Things get even worse, because there's a dead body in an upstairs office, and Ace is about to be framed for the murder.

This adventure game requires lateral thinking in order to shed the light to the case of the murdered person and prove the character's innocence.

Latest Updates

Release Date Added to Database AngelosL 27th Feb 2010
Game Summary added to Database AngelosL 26th Feb 2010
Boxart Added AngelosL 26th Feb 2010
Game Added to Database AngelosL 26th Feb 2010

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