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BioWare Edmonton



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Release Dates

03/23/10 Electronic Arts
(Add Date)
03/23/10 Electronic Arts

Community Stats

Owners: 8
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Download the Firewalker pack and gain access to 5 new missions featuring the Hammerhead. The Hammerhead is a heavy assault vehicle that hovers over the battlefield at up to 120 kilometers per hour and features a guided missile system ensuring accuracy even during aggressive maneuvering.

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Screenshot Added Machina 28th Jul 2019
Screenshot Added Machina 28th Jul 2019
Screenshot Added Machina 28th Jul 2019
Screenshot Added Machina 28th Jul 2019
Screenshot Added Machina 28th Jul 2019
Screenshot Added Machina 28th Jul 2019
Game Banner Added to Database Machina 28th Jul 2019
Game Summary added to Database Machina 28th Jul 2019
Release Date Added to Database DarthMithrandir 30th Mar 2010
Release Date Added to Database DarthMithrandir 30th Mar 2010
Game Information Updated oliist 26th Feb 2010
Game Added to Database oliist 26th Feb 2010

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Opinion (1)

hellobion2 posted 26/11/2023, 12:36
series rivals star wars in my book
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