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Release Dates

03/06/12 Electronic Arts
(Add Date)
03/09/12 Electronic Arts

Community Stats

Owners: 74
Favorite: 15
Tracked: 4
Wishlist: 4
Now Playing: 5

Avg Community Rating:



Not everyone will survive. An ancient alien race, known only as “Reapers”, has launched an all-out invasion leaving nothing but a trail of destruction in their wake. Earth has been taken, the galaxy is on the verge of total annihilation, and you are the only one who can stop them. The price of failure is extinction. You are Commander Shepard, a character that you can forge in your own image. You determine how events will play out, which planets to explore, and whom to form alliances with as you rally a force to eliminate the Reaper threat once and for all. How you wage this war is completely up to you: go into combat with guns blazing or use cover to plan a more tactical assault. Utilize your squad to full effect or take a lone wolf approach. Rain death from a distance or go toe–to-toe with enemies using devastating melee attacks.

Mass Effect 3 will react to each decision you make as you play through a truly unique experience of your own creation.


Large-scale and intelligent enemies: Battle enormous enemies and take on a smarter type of foe that will consistently challenge your best combat tactics and put you on the edge of your seat.

Massive in scope: Battle on many worlds across the galaxy as you unite the ultimate force to take back the Earth before it’s too late.

Large-scale and intelligent enemies: Battle enormous enemies and take on a smarter type of foe that will consistently challenge your best combat tactics and put you on the edge of your seat.

Unlock a customizable arsenal: Tailor each weapon with devastating upgrades including scopes, grips, barrels and dozens of other unique attachments. Each weapon boasts its own powerful impact and visual flair.

Unleash death from afar or go toe-to-toe: Customize your soldier and squad to engage the enemy on your terms. A huge variety of weapons, abilities and equipment allow you to combat the enemy in your preferred style of play.


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Boxart Added okr 25th Jan 2018
Boxart Added okr 25th Jan 2018
Game Information Updated oliist 12th Dec 2010
Release Date Added to Database oliist 15th Mar 2010
Release Date Added to Database oliist 15th Mar 2010
Game Information Updated oliist 15th Mar 2010
Game Added to Database oliist 15th Mar 2010

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (4)

1 n/a 114,492 106,191 43,656 264,339
2 n/a 24,580 24,217 9,727 58,524
3 n/a 11,785 15,945 5,747 33,477
4 n/a 6,492 9,362 3,311 19,165
5 n/a 5,825 9,069 3,137 18,031
6 n/a 5,667 6,762 2,538 14,967
7 n/a 5,742 7,046 2,620 15,408
8 n/a 8,989 4,673 2,511 16,173
9 n/a 3,723 4,323 1,637 9,683
10 n/a 2,564 4,208 1,435 8,207
hellobion2 posted 26/11/2023, 12:39
series rivals star wars in my book
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SubiyaCryolite posted 05/10/2013, 11:43
Wow, did really well at retail. Combined with digital this could be near PS3 numbers. PC games don't sell huh? :)
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AndrewWK posted 11/05/2012, 09:51
Bioware FTW. Bring Mass Effect 4 ASAP
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Pjams posted 18/03/2012, 09:00
Amazing game, love the multiplayer. Despite Bioware doing there best to make me despise them.
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