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Release Dates

09/23/02 Xicat Interactive
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Owners: 1
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YOU ARE A MACHINE: A highly trained and specialized soldier created from the ground up by covert military programs. YOU HAVE A JOB: All that counts from now on is your mission objective, and your team. YOU ARE NOT ALONE: There are forces that would seek to destroy you and all you stand for. When you clash on the battlefield, only those soldiers that stand with you can help you acomplish your goal, and bring you back home alive. YOU ARE THE US SPECIAL FORCES: This is team factor Back of box Developed by 7FX and published bY XICAT

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Release Date Added to Database oliist 24th Jul 2010
Release Date Added to Database oliist 24th Jul 2010
Game Information Updated oliist 24th Jul 2010
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