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Rhino Studios



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Release Dates

05/18/10 Unknown
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Veggy World, an action game in which you control a strawberry-shaped spaceship that flies through broccoli-covered landscapes and turnip tree houses. Fire lasers and blue pellets at a steady wave of fruit and vegetable creatures, causing the personified food to explode in a bright burst. The depiction is mostly whimsical, though you do see their "kill percentage" tallied on menu screens at the end of each round. Box includes one free pet that will become your best pal and assist on quests.

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Game Information Updated oliist 27th Sep 2010
Game Added to Database oliist 27th Sep 2010

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Opinion (1)

Michael-5 posted 11/10/2011, 08:06
You know that's a screenshot for Pikmin?
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