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Release Dates

11/11/03 Electronic Arts
12/04/03 Electronic Arts
11/28/03 Electronic Arts

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Pack your gear, head to the Pacific, and fight Japanese imperialism in Medal of Honor™ Rising Sun. In this installment of the top-selling Medal of Honor series, Marine Corporal Joseph Griffin must endure some of the fiercest battles fought during WWII; crucial assignments ranging from surviving the devastating attack on Pearl Harbor, destroying the Bridge over the River Kwai, a midnight raid on Guadalcanal, and triumphing in the final showdown with Colonel Shima.

Players will take on five multi-part missions spanning ten massive open environment levels, all of which add up to one complete storyline. The experience begins with the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 aboard the U.S.S. California where players will fight off Japanese attacks and witness the destruction of the American fleet. Players will travel to Guadalcanal to destroy fortified Japanese gun emplacements and lead the assault on Henderson Field.

Players will have to use stealth as they travel to Singapore to search for information pertaining to a stolen cache of Japanese gold and escape on a stolen speedboat. Meet up with the British and the legendary Flying Tigers in Burma while discovering the secret of Yamashita's gold, and then destroy the Bridge over the River Kwai.

Choose single player or the new two-player co-op mode to experience life as a Marine in the Pacific during the most difficult years of the war. Players can also choose four-player split screen deathmatch and team modes for head-to-head action.

Storytelling will be increased through interaction with squad members as the player progresses through the game. Each squad member will have a story arc that will be revealed as the game continues. Griffin's friends and foes come to life with much improved AI and AI animation interaction within each environment. Characters, friend and foe alike, will use the environment around them for protection and cover when under attack.

EALA continues to work closely with the Congressional Medal of Honor Society to make sure Medal of Honor Rising Sun reflects the ideals and integrity of the prestigious Congressional Medal of Honor. The team also continues its relationship with Capt. Dale Dye, military technical advisor for the original Medal of Honor title, to insure the authenticity of the game.


Source - (publisher)

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Game Information Updated Blacksaber 03rd Nov 2009
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Boxart Added oliist 14th May 2009
Boxart Added oliist 20th Nov 2008
Boxart Added oliist 20th Nov 2008
Boxart Added oliist 20th Nov 2008
Boxart Added oliist 20th Nov 2008
Boxart Added oliist 20th Nov 2008
Boxart Added oliist 20th Nov 2008
Boxart Added oliist 20th Nov 2008
Boxart Added oliist 20th Nov 2008
Game Information Updated robond 20th Nov 2008
Game Summary added to Database Machina 05th Jul 2008
Release Date Added to Database nordlead 21st May 2008

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