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Basilisk Games



Release Dates

05/12/10 Unknown
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Owners: 3
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The time has come to return to the realm of Eschalon! A new menace threatens Mistfell and the northern provinces, and evidence of your mysterious past come to light which will make you question everything you know about yourself. Don’t miss this thrilling sequel to 2007′s award-winning Eschalon: Book I!

  •  Eschalon: Book II is the sequel to 2007′s award winning RPG Eschalon: Book I, although no previous experience is needed to play and enjoy Book II.
  • Play as a male or female character.
  • New weather effects: snow, rain, and thunderstorms. Weather isn’t just an effect; severe weather effects gameplay stats and skills.
  • Improved GUI including additional save game slots, increased number of Inventory and Quick Slot spaces, Key Ring and Recipe book, and much more!
  • New difficulty modes and tracked statistics add to replay value.



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