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Other Versions

3DS, PS3, PS4, Wii, X360, XOne

Release Dates

10/13/13 Activision
(Add Date)
10/18/13 Activision

Community Stats

Owners: 2
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:



Swap Force

Embark on an exciting new adventure with the Skylanders and the SWAP Force.For generations, the SWAP Force protected the volcano that replenishes Skylands’ magic. That is until an epic battle caught them in an eruption that blasted them apart, sent them to Earth and gave them the ability to swap powers. Only you can mix and match their tops and bottoms, put them on the new Portal of Power™ and save Skylands.

Latest Screenshots

Latest Updates

Game Information Updated cycycychris 21st Mar 2018
Game Information Updated cycycychris 21st Mar 2018
Screenshot Added Marth 16th Jan 2018
Screenshot Added Marth 16th Jan 2018
Screenshot Added Marth 16th Jan 2018
Screenshot Added Marth 16th Jan 2018
Screenshot Added Marth 16th Jan 2018
Boxart Added Marth 16th Jan 2018
Game Summary added to Database Marth 16th Jan 2018
Game Banner Added to Database Marth 16th Jan 2018
Boxart Added TheLegendaryWolf 01st Jan 2018

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (2)

1 n/a 19,871 8,790 4,867 33,528
2 n/a 7,253 4,354 1,845 13,452
3 n/a 4,740 3,729 1,259 9,728
4 n/a 5,823 2,915 1,446 10,184
5 n/a 6,032 4,665 1,597 12,294
6 n/a 7,725 6,255 2,062 16,042
7 n/a 15,195 7,027 3,741 25,963
8 n/a 9,956 8,320 2,674 20,950
9 n/a 14,378 11,311 3,818 29,507
10 n/a 14,708 12,342 3,953 31,003
oniyide posted 01/03/2014, 06:57
nothing to be proud of considering the demograph for this game and sales of consoles.
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fleischr posted 13/02/2014, 09:21
As of now, the WiiU version nearly outsells the PS4 and XOne version combined.
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