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Alternative Names

Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze

ドンキーコング トロピカルフリーズ


Retro Studios



Other Versions

All, NS

Release Dates

02/21/14 Nintendo
02/13/14 Nintendo
02/21/14 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 71
Favorite: 13
Tracked: 5
Wishlist: 2
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:



Help Donkey Kong and his friends save their home and banana hoard from marauding Vikings in the Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze game from Retro Studios. All the challenging ground-pounding, barrel-blasting, side-scrolling mine cart action from the Donkey Kong Country series is back along with a bushel of new game play elements and features.


  • Dixie Kong is back to join the adventure as a playable character alongside Diddy Kong. Either can buddy up with Donkey Kong, and each character offers a different game play experience.
  • Explore new dynamic levels that twist, turn, and transform in new ways. Enjoy spectacular views from the dynamic rotating camera.
  • On their journey to reclaim Donkey Kong Island, Donkey Kong and his friends travel across five islands with a variety of stages that include underwater areas and frozen environments.
  • Enhance Donkey Kong's exploration and unlock secrets with a variety of new moves, including a "plucking" system to pull items right out of the ground.
  • Team up with friends in a cooperative multiplayer mode that lets two players share in the fun together. (Additional accessories required for multiplayer mode and sold separately.)

Source: Publisher

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Game Summary added to Database Machina 21st Jul 2021
Boxart Added Masked_Muchaco 02nd Aug 2020
Boxart Added Masked_Muchaco 02nd Aug 2020
Boxart Added Masked_Muchaco 02nd Aug 2020
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Critic Review Added to Database cycycychris 12th Mar 2018
Critic Review Added to Database cycycychris 12th Mar 2018
Critic Review Added to Database cycycychris 12th Mar 2018
Game Information Updated spurgeonryan 22nd Jan 2018
Boxart Added spurgeonryan 22nd Jan 2018
Boxart Added spurgeonryan 22nd Jan 2018
Screenshot Added spurgeonryan 22nd Jan 2018
Screenshot Added spurgeonryan 22nd Jan 2018

Shipping Total

2,020,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2020

Opinion (130)

DolPhanTendo posted 02/12/2015, 10:38
1.21 million those legs are long and sexy wonder if it jumps to 1.4 by the end of year
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Proxy-Pie posted 02/04/2015, 09:11
Awesome game, well deserved sales.
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atomicblue posted 11/02/2015, 10:13
Yay, well done DKC:TF! Still my fave Wii U game.

P.S. For all those people saying "it's not what Nintendo fans wanted"... the best selling MP game sold a little under 3m in its entire lifetime, and I suspect probably had a similar first year to this game. Don't make the mistake of assuming that an extremely vocal group on the Internet represents the majority.
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FarleyMcFirefly posted 05/02/2015, 02:36
A game this amazing deserves to be a multi-million seller.
The Wii U deserves better sales in general.
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Fededx posted 05/02/2015, 12:38
Million seller, finally! My favourite Wii U game to date, totally deserved!
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Paatar posted 04/02/2015, 11:28
Pikmin, that was of 17th of Jan. It is now the 4th of Feb. The 18th of Jan I am sure the other 28 games were bought. :) So yes, 1mil.
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