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Klei Entertainment



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Release Dates

10/16/12 Microsoft Studios
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In Mark of the Ninja, you'll know what it is to truly be a ninja. You must be silent, agile and clever to outwit your opponents in a world of gorgeous scenery and flowing animation. Marked with cursed tattoos giving you heightened senses, every situation presents you with options. Will you be an unknown, invisible ghost, or a brutal, silent assassin?

Upgrade new tools and techniques that suit your playstyle and complete optional objectives to unlock entirely new ways to approach the game. Finish the main story to unlock a New Game Plus mode with even more options and challenges.

Key Features:

  • True Stealth Experience - Player-centric gameplay rewards choice, be it finishing the game without killing anyone or assassinating all who stand in your way
  • Stunning Visuals - Unique 2D visual style featuring award-winning animation and hand-painted environments
  • Custom PC Controls - Custom keyboard and mouse PC controls in addition to gamepad support
  • Deep Experience - Each level has three score challenges, optional objectives and hidden collectibles. A diversity of unlockable abilities, items and playstyles allow exploring many avenues of play
  • New Game Plus - Finish the game and unlock this mode, offering new challenges and rewards

Source: Developer's website

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Game Banner Added to Database Masked_Muchaco 02nd Oct 2018
Release Date Added to Database Masked_Muchaco 02nd Oct 2018
Boxart Added Masked_Muchaco 02nd Oct 2018
Game Banner Added to Database Masked_Muchaco 12th Aug 2018
Game Information Updated Masked_Muchaco 12th Aug 2018
Critic Review Added to Database JEMC 06th Jan 2018
Critic Review Added to Database JEMC 06th Jan 2018
Critic Review Added to Database JEMC 06th Jan 2018
Screenshot Added JEMC 06th Jan 2018
Screenshot Added JEMC 06th Jan 2018
Screenshot Added JEMC 06th Jan 2018
Screenshot Added JEMC 06th Jan 2018
Screenshot Added JEMC 06th Jan 2018
Screenshot Added JEMC 06th Jan 2018
Game Summary added to Database JEMC 06th Jan 2018

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1,559,950 Units
As of: July 1st, 2018

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