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Alternative Names

ファイナルファンタジー XII


Square Enix



Other Versions


Release Dates

10/31/06 Square Enix
03/16/06 Square Enix
02/23/07 Square Enix

Community Stats

Owners: 1,129
Favorite: 67
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 2
Now Playing: 16

Avg Community Rating:



Since 1987, the FINAL FANTASY® series has sold over 70 million units, making it one of the best-selling video game franchises of all time. FINAL FANTASY XII carries on the tradition of gaming innovation, fantastic graphics and epic storytelling. With a brand-new battle system bringing more realistic and seamless action to the player’s fingertips, this latest installment promises to take role-playing games to the next level through a beautiful and heart-stopping adventure.

The story of FINAL FANTASY XII takes place in a world called “Ivalice,” in an age when magic was commonplace and airships plied the skies, crowding out the heavens. War was on the horizon. Seeking to strengthen its base of power, the great Archadian Empire had been invading and subjugating its neighboring kingdoms one by one. The small Kingdom of Dalmasca was one such kingdom. Our story follows Vaan, a young man living on the streets of Dalmasca’s Royal City of Rabanastre, the Princess Ashe, the sole remaining heir to the Dalmascan throne who had been given up for missing, as well as Vaan’s friend Penelo, the sky pirate Balthier, Balthier’s partner Fran and many more on an adventure through Ivalice that traces the mysteries behind the Archadian Empire’s invasion.




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Latest Updates

Game Information Updated oliist 06th Jul 2010
Game Information Updated oliist 06th Jul 2010
Game Banner Added to Database Boutros 02nd Dec 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 30th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 30th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 30th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 30th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 30th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 30th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 30th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 30th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 30th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 30th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 30th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 30th Jul 2009

Shipping Total

6,400,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2017

Opinion (162)

KingWithNoKrown posted 28/04/2015, 10:55
The greatest ff of all. I just need a remastered.
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Kinneas14 posted 09/12/2014, 04:13
I changed my mind. Thinking it through I have to say this one was a really good game. A strange FF, as we were used to think, but a really good game.
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Juku_Lover posted 22/11/2013, 12:03
Amazing game! glad its one of the series best selling. While some may call it the worst in the series i'd call it the best.
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Azhraell posted 04/11/2013, 12:06
6m+ with rest of the world sales.
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miqdadi posted 15/06/2013, 10:53
Square Enix sales where so good in PS2 days
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Heavenly_King posted 06/06/2013, 12:20
The open-world concept is really great; but the character design and the story sucks.
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