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GungHo Online Entertainment



Release Dates

(Add Date)
12/12/13 GungHo Online Entertainment
(Add Date)

Community Stats

Owners: 2
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:



Latest Updates

Release Date Added to Database Masked_Muchaco 18th Jul 2018
Game Banner Added to Database Marth 07th May 2018
Game Information Updated XD84 05th Jan 2018
Boxart Added TheLegendaryWolf 01st Jan 2018
Boxart Added TheLegendaryWolf 01st Jan 2018

Shipping Total

1,500,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2017

Opinion (10)

NoirSon posted 22/11/2014, 10:56
I have the game on my andriod, it is indeed great fun, but given it is more or less free, I doubt many in the US or Europe would buy a full retail release. A reduced price eShop exclusive one maybe a different story. More so then the Phoenix Wright games this could do well in that environment.
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qwertyDANIELqwerty posted 31/01/2014, 12:24
Come to North America!
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DarkFury posted 09/01/2014, 09:47
This game makes 3.8 million each and every day, great to see it doing so well on 3DS, too!
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Nickman2686 posted 08/01/2014, 05:02
You can download this game on your Iphone, I have had the game for the past few months. I know it is taking Japan by storm right now, and is ranked #53 on the top grossing games on the App Store
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Fededx posted 08/01/2014, 01:05
Freaking amazing, who knows what this is, but man, it's selling like hot cakes! Another million seller!
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Salnax posted 07/01/2014, 10:51
Now over 1 million sales in Japan! One of the probably seven million sellers on the 3DS in Japan this year.
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