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Hammer Labs



Other Versions

Linux, PC

Release Dates

06/05/13 Hammer Labs
06/05/13 Hammer Labs
06/05/13 Hammer Labs

Community Stats

Owners: 0
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0


Your community was taken down by a heavy storm which caused an apocalypse and unleashed the living dead. Together with the other survivors, it is your task to rebuild and to allow that sustainable life can still be assured. Cultivate your farm and manage your restaurant to provide food and deal with all the zombies.

During daytime, you build your own farm and restaurant. During the night, you have to defend your property from zombies.


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Latest Updates

Release Date Added to Database Marth 08th Aug 2018
Release Date Added to Database Marth 08th Aug 2018
Release Date Added to Database Marth 08th Aug 2018
Screenshot Added Marth 08th Aug 2018
Screenshot Added Marth 08th Aug 2018
Screenshot Added Marth 08th Aug 2018
Screenshot Added Marth 08th Aug 2018
Screenshot Added Marth 08th Aug 2018
Screenshot Added Marth 08th Aug 2018
Screenshot Added Marth 08th Aug 2018
Screenshot Added Marth 08th Aug 2018
Screenshot Added Marth 08th Aug 2018
Screenshot Added Marth 08th Aug 2018
Game Summary added to Database Marth 08th Aug 2018
Game Information Updated Marth 08th Aug 2018

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