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BioHazard 6






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10/02/12 Capcom

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Resident Evil 6

By Jake Weston 29th Oct 2012 | 10,044 views 

Survival of the biggest.

Capcom’s Resident Evil series used to make you afraid of things that went bump in the night. Now, it exhausts you with so many explosions that those bumps seem like a welcome reprieve. Over the last few entries, Resident Evil has been taking gradual steps from survival-horror into pure action territory. Now, Capcom has made a giant leap with Resident Evil 6. Yes, zombies are back, the monsters are grotesque, and the story draws upon all eras of the series’ lore, but the transition between genres is now complete. Does Resident Evil 6 make the shift while still holding on to the series’ identity? The answer: kind of. 

Resident Evil 6 sticks with the third-person, behind-the-shoulder aiming that was invented in Resident Evil 4 (and subsequently used in every third-person shooter since then). This time around, however, the gameplay has been sped up quite a bit - players can now run without having to hold down a button, with its use now replaced with a “sprint” function. You can also dive and roll in any direction, and then shoot from the ground while on your back. Though this technique may seem unnecessary at first, its added mobility becomes incredibly useful as enemies in the game start to overwhelm you. It will be hard going back to Resident Evil 4 without this skill in hand. Most importantly, for the first time in the franchise, you can now shoot and move at the same time, bringing the series in line with the vast amounts of shooters it inspired. 

Not only does Resident Evil 6 overhaul the series’ gameplay, but its narrative as well. While the quality of writing is still strictly in B-movie territory, the narrative provided is the most ambitious in the franchise yet. Resident Evil 6 offers three single-player campaigns, one each for series mainstays Leon Kennedy and Chris Redfield, and one for newcomer Jake Muller. Set three years after the events of Resident Evil 5, each campaign goes through the same general story, but in entirely different ways. They won’t go it alone, however. Like its predecessor, Resident Evil 6 offers cooperative play throughout most of the story, both online and off. Leon teams up with newcomer Helena Harper, Chris is paired with fellow BSAA soldier Piers Nivans (who bears an uncanny resemblance to Justin Bieber), and Jake joins forces with Sherry Birkin, who makes her first appearance in the series since Resident Evil 2. At certain points in the story, you will meet these other duos, resulting and in teaming up with them, and providing one of the most dynamic four-player co-op experiences I’ve ever played. 

Leon’s campaign makes the most attempt at providing a classic Resident Evil experience. Make no mistake, Leon’s campaign still contains the third-person action the series is now known for, but the game features, for the first time in over a decade, classic, slow-moving zombies. However, while Capcom tries to stylistically rekindle fond memories of Resident Evil 2, most of Leon’s campaign is spent trying to evoke nostalgia for Resident Evil 4, going as far as to rip scenarios straight from the series' peak: A gothic church! Zombie dogs in a graveyard! Water monster boss fight! Mine kart ride! Leon even loses his badass leather jacket partway through his campaign, just like he does in Resident Evil 4. Remember how awesome Resident Evil 4 was, guys? Guys? Still, despite this blatant pandering (or perhaps because of it), Leon’s campaign is ultimately the most successful, due to a conscious return to the horror-infused atmosphere of the previous games. 

While Leon’s campaign harkens back to Resident Evil of old, Chris’ campaign paves new ground by ditching it altogether, committing itself to pure, unadulterated action. Sure, Resident Evil 5 was mostly action focused, but it still tried to present itself as a horror title to some extent. Chris’ campaign in Resident Evil 6 ditches this pretense entirely. Chris takes most of his combat tips from Marcus Fenix, spending his time in cover and taking pot-shots at machine gun-wielding enemies. Though it contains every cliche in the book, Chris’ campaign plays just as well as any other third-person shooter on the market; it’s just a shame to see the original protagonist of the franchise become the face of its transition to blockbuster action. 

Ironically, while Chris’ campaign is the most bombastic of the bunch, it also offers the most personal story. Chris has been with the series since day one, and there’s quite an emotional payoff for the man who has been through so much. Sure, in a year that has included The Walking Dead and Spec Ops: The Line, the narrative doesn’t accomplish much, but for Resident Evil, it’s certainly a step in the right direction. 

If Chris’ campaign is an obvious attempt to mimic Gears of War, then newcomer Jake Muller’s campaign is Capcom’s take on the Uncharted franchise. Not only does Jake talk and dress similarly to Naughty Dog’s ragtag hero, but his campaign is defined by scripted, set-piece moments meant to “wow” through sheer spectacle. Running from a tank, motorcycle chases, and quick-time events are the norm for Jake. Capcom has tried to “Resident Evil”-ify it with the addition of the Ustanak, an invincible foe that pursues Jake and Sherry throughout the story, that is meant to be reminiscent of Nemesis from Resident Evil 3. Ustanak is certainly an intimidating foe, but unlike Nemesis, all of his encounters are scripted, resulting in lots of running and half-hearted stealth sections.

While many of the other characters get unique weapon choices, Jake takes after his father in his proficiency for martial arts. You’ll be thankful, too, as most of Jake’s campaign is spent hunting for enough ammo (when fans said they wanted a return to Resident Evil’s roots, they didn’t mean like this, Capcom). However, Jake’s overall play style provides for an interesting aside from Leon’s and Chris’ non-stop shooting. If you want a more traditional experience in Jake’s campaign, you can play as Sherry, who gets an electric baton she can use to stun enemies. 

These three campaigns weave in and out of each other, offering new perspectives on familiar scenes, much in the vein of films such as Pulp Fiction. Upon completion of the three main campaigns, you get to tackle the whole thing from Ada Wong’s perspective, in a single-player only campaign (though Capcom will be bringing free co-op DLC to her campaign later this year). Chronological purists may try to juggle campaigns in a desire to experience the plot in a “proper” order, but I found it much more satisfying to play through each story one at a time, gaining new insights and revelations by seeing familiar events through different eyes. Unfortunately, though repetition works for this style of narrative, it is not so kind on gameplay. You'll often have to replay the same scenarios - unchanged - across all of the campaigns in order to progress the story. 

In Resident Evil 5, playing co-op was a necessity due to atrocious partner AI. Thankfully, Capcom has remedied these issues, making Resident Evil 6 a satisfying single-player experience through and through. Much like Resident Evil 5, though, this experience is enhanced with a friend. While most of the game is spent alongside your partner, the game will often separate you, tasking you with protecting your partner or solving a puzzle. Its implementation is much more clever than in Resident Evil 5, and playing through all of the campaigns as each character provides for a slightly different experience. 

Much like its predecessors, Resident Evil 6 boasts a high level of re-playability. Skill points replace gun customization, allowing you to buy perks that grant you new abilities, such as more firepower, better accuracy, or higher critical hit chances. There are tons of abilities to choose from, and unlocking all of them requires multiple playthroughs. “The Mercenaries” mode once again returns, and “Agent Hunt” mode is available after beating any of the campaigns, allowing you to invade other players’ games online - a la Dark Souls - as one of the game’s many monsters to bring them down. 

Resident Evil 6 is an exercise in juxtaposition, simultaneously celebrating the series’ history and abandoning everything that defined it in the first place. Yet, while fans may bemoan the evolution of the series from survival-horror into pure action, it results in a weird, but somehow effective mish-mash of genres that is wholly unique. Am I sad to see Resident Evil all but abandon its roots? Certainly. Am I satisfied with the direction it is heading? In a way, yes. Capcom may be intent on forcing Resident Evil 6 into the overcrowded shooter market, but it does so in a way that still distinguishes itself, and results in an experience worth playing. Resident Evil is dead. Long live Resident Evil.

This review is based on a PlayStation 3 copy of Resident Evil 6.

VGChartz Verdict


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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (66)

1 637,317 296,974 315,457 167,053 1,416,801
2 94,513 48,344 74,667 36,261 253,785
3 39,261 22,855 32,823 16,180 111,119
4 21,591 21,605 19,037 10,631 72,864
5 12,100 16,655 14,717 8,212 51,684
6 6,153 14,756 16,232 8,517 45,658
7 3,564 16,487 16,715 8,964 45,730
8 2,984 28,760 23,237 13,642 68,623
9 2,296 20,188 17,196 9,724 49,404
10 2,871 21,998 23,881 11,449 60,199
-girgosz- posted 30/01/2015, 07:22
What a joke, this is way undertracked: The game officially sold 6 million on PS3 + 360 as of sept 2014 and it's the 3rd best selling Capcom game of all time.
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Raziel123 posted 25/08/2014, 04:14
best game ever
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ZombieVito posted 08/02/2014, 10:06
Capcom just reported this game sold 1 million in Japan. Guess it's a little bit undertracked no?
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late_release posted 23/09/2013, 12:33
Love this game and I've been playing the franchise since its debut. Like a comment bellow, people need to learn how to play it. Sure it isn't as horrific as the first ones but it has other ways to enjoy this fantastic and gigantic game.
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A203D posted 11/09/2013, 05:13
Thats nothing but garbage. This game is nothing more than Capcom attempting to westernise their games with Japanese developers. RE5 started this with the Gears of Wars style co-op. It got the sales Capcom wanted, so they continued with RE6. If you like this game fine, but lets not pretend its Resident Evil. A game is not good just because its made in Japan. This game might be above average, but its not Resident Evil.
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Heavenly_King posted 02/08/2013, 05:07
@Wagner: The thing is that people began bitching about survival horror. And also It does not help that most times Japanese developers want to express their own take on the genres they touched; and so, RE6 as a 3rd person shooter is different and it needs a gamers with enough patience to actually understand and play the way is meant to be played.

Most japanese games have this "endurance" part; and most people are not willing to give the game enough time in order to go past that. But that is not an excuse, Japanese developers need to get rid of that "gaming fat" in order to get directly into the juicy meat.

I remember playing Yakuza 3 for the first time, and I was like WTF is this; but then, considering the story was good; it motivated me to go forward and after that the game clicked with me; and now I have platinumed Y3, Y4; and I am hoping for Y5 to be released in west shores.
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