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2XL MX Offroad

By Kerky 04th Feb 2012 | 7,244 views 

How's my driving?

Before I get into the nitty gritty of this review, I just want to say I am not a racing or motocross enthusiast by any level of the imagination. I wouldn’t know one racer or bike from the next, and I certainly haven’t played many of these games before.  However, the one thing I do know is when I have played a great game, and that’s exactly what 2XL MX Offroad is.
2XL MX Offroad is all about off-road racing and freestyle; you won’t find yourself bogged down in a swamp of confusing, unnecessary menus. In just 5 taps you can be on the track. Racing, as you may have guessed, is where the game comes into its element. When you get into a race the first thing you will notice is how good this game looks. Everything is realised extremely well and visually the game is a treat. As for the audio, the game sounds okay. It won’t wow you, but it does just enough to convince you that you are in control of a dirt or quad bike. While the few songs on the menu can get repetitive, you won’t be spending much time there, so it can be forgiven. 
The vehicles – a selection of quads and dirt bikes – handle well and never frustrate. That job is left to the controls. The game lets you choose from varying control methods, ranging from tilt controls, to different sets of touch controls. I personally found the tilt controls too distracting, as tilting the screen made it harder to focus on what was happening in game. The touch controls fare better. They work well 90% of the time, but when they don’t work, let’s just say you'll be a less than savoury character. I found that sometimes, possibly due to how close the controls are to the edge of the screen, or maybe due to how ridiculously large my thumbs are, I would unknowingly slip off the touch controls during a race. This resulted in me flying off the track or coming to a halt, and more than once it resulted in me losing a race in the final moments. Not too bad on a 3 lap race, but when it happens to you on the last corner of a 10 lap race it comes as a real sucker punch.
The AI on the other hand is refreshingly competent. It features 3 difficulty settings: Amateur, Semi Pro and Pro. While amateur will fail to offer much of a challenge, Pro should keep things interesting for all but the most seasoned players.  On a technical level this is a game that performs really well; loading times are kept to a minimum and the frame rate only dropped once or twice during hours of play.
For a game that will only set you back £2.99 in the UK, or $4.99 in the US, you are getting a lot of content for your money. The career mode alone will take you 3-7 hours to complete depending on what difficulty you play on. If you're a completionist it will likely take you even longer. The arcade mode allows you to quickly jump into a race or freestyle event and you can set the parameters of that event. Fancy a quick and easy 3 lap race? Maybe you want to attempt a 10 lap slog? There are plenty of options to choose from. On top of that, there are also 42 achievements to unlock. Not bad, eh?
If you're looking for a great iOS racer then this game should be on your radar. It does a lot of things right, and even when slip ups are made, I was able to overlook them because of the quality on show. 
Presentation – 7.0
Gameplay – 8.5
Value – 8.5
Overall – 8.0

Before I get into the nitty gritty of this review, I just want to say I am not a racing or motocross enthusiast by any level of the imagination. I wouldn’t know one racer or bike from the next, and I certainly haven’t played many of these games before.  However, the one thing I do know is when I have played a great game, and that’s exactly what 2XL MX Offroad is.

2XL MX Offroad is all about off-road racing and freestyle; you won’t find yourself bogged down in a swamp of confusing, unnecessary menus. In just 5 taps you can be on the track. Racing, as you may have guessed, is where the game comes into its element. When you get into a race the first thing you will notice is how good this game looks. Everything is realised extremely well and visually the game is a treat. As for the audio, the game sounds okay. It won’t wow you, but it does just enough to convince you that you are in control of a dirt or quad bike. While the few songs on the menu can get repetitive, you won’t be spending much time there, so it can be forgiven. 

We fly high!

The vehicles – a selection of quads and dirt bikes – handle well and never frustrate. That job is left to the controls. The game lets you choose from varying control methods, ranging from tilt controls, to different sets of touch controls. I personally found the tilt controls too distracting, as tilting the screen made it harder to focus on what was happening in game. The touch controls fare better. They work well most of the time, but when they don’t work, let’s just say you'll be a less than savoury character. I found that sometimes, possibly due to how close the controls are to the edge of the screen, or maybe due to how ridiculously large my thumbs are, I would unknowingly slip off the touch controls during a race. This resulted in me flying off the track or coming to a halt, and more than once it resulted in me losing a race in the final moments. Not too bad on a 3 lap race, but when it happens to you on the last corner of a 10 lap race it comes as a real sucker punch.

The AI on the other hand is refreshingly competent. It features 3 difficulty settings: Amateur, Semi Pro and Pro. While amateur will fail to offer much of a challenge, Pro should keep things interesting for all but the most seasoned players. On a technical level this is a game that performs really well; loading times are kept to a minimum and the frame rate only dropped once or twice during hours of play.


For a game that will only set you back £2.99 in the UK, or $4.99 in the US, you are getting a lot of content for your money. The career mode alone will take you 3-7 hours to complete depending on what difficulty you play on. If you're a completionist it will likely take you even longer. The arcade mode allows you to quickly jump into a race or freestyle event and you can set the parameters of that event. Fancy a quick and easy 3 lap race? Maybe you want to attempt a 10 lap slog? There are plenty of options to choose from. On top of that, there are also 42 achievements to unlock. Not bad, eh?

If you're looking for a great iOS racer then this game should be on your radar. It does a lot of things right, and even when slip ups are made, I was able to overlook them because of the quality on show. 

This review is based on a digital copy of 2XL MX Offroad, purchased via the App Store. 

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