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Ridiculous Fishing (iOS)

By Kerky 25th Mar 2013 | 3,288 views 

Ridiculous Fun.

Ridiculous Fishing is the latest iOS game from Vlambeer studios, and yes, it is every bit as awesome as the name implies.

Ridiculous Fishing will have you hooked from the moment you start your angling journey. Your aim is a simple one: catch as many fish as possible in order to reap the cash rewards. How do you catch said aquatic creatures? Well, I won’t presume to tell you how to fish, but I like to use a mini-gun.

Yes. A mini-gun.

So you’ve probably guessed that this isn’t exactly an iOS fishing simulator. In order to catch fish, you must drop your line, dodging fish using tilt controls in order to go deeper. When you finally hit a fish, you’ll begin to reel your line in; now it’s time to hook as many fish before the big finale. The finale which consists of flinging all of the fish you’ve caught into the air, before filling them with lead. Then you can congratulate yourself on a job well done and watch your bank balance soar.

You can spend your new found wealth on a number of upgrades and items that will make your fishing experience more entertaining. Upgrades include fishing equipment such as lures and deep sea lamps, while you can also purchase new weapons and fashion accessories (because everyone loves a snappy dresser). Unfortunately, these upgrades can all be unlocked relatively easily, with only a few requiring huge sums of money to purchase. This means that you’ll likely purchase most items from the store in a short space of time. It would be nice to see more items, or at least more expensive items.

As with all great iOS games the simplistic gameplay is hugely addictive and extremely well polished. The controls work flawlessly, and any worries you have about using tilt controls should be cast aside. As I’ve said, the gameplay is truly addictive, and you’ll always be saving up for the next big purchase or trying to best your previous record depth. There are also 4 fishing environments where you can ply your trade, with different fish specific to each area. Speaking of fish, there are 66 varieties of to catch and whenever you do reel in a new one its information will be stored in the aptly named Fish-o-pedia.

As with most games from Vlambeer, Ridiculous Fishing clearly draws inspiration from the games of yesteryear. The delightfully inspired retro graphics and soundtrack help inject more charm and energy into proceedings, firmly nailing down the game's artistic direction. All of the fish have also been uniquely designed, allowing for quick recognition during gameplay - a technique any pro will need to master.

Ridiculous Fishing is available for the iPad and the iPhone, for £1.99 in the UK, and $2.99 in the US. These prices are fair, however it’s arguable that it could have been priced slightly cheaper, and more in line with games such as Angry Birds and Tiny Wings. However, when all is said and done Ridiculous Fishing is a shining example of what makes iOS gaming so appealing. It’s a witty, addictive and enormously fun title that any iOS gamer should check out.

VGChartz Verdict


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