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Alternative Names

New Play Control! Mario Power Tennis

Wii de Asobu Mario Tennis GC

Wiiであそぶ マリオテニスGC


Camelot Software Planning



Release Dates

03/09/09 Nintendo
01/15/09 Nintendo
03/06/09 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 73
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

1,790,000 Units
As of: December 2014

Opinion (38)

pokeclaudel posted 07/05/2011, 04:23
Nintendo has no reason to make a real Mario tennis for the wii when a port can do this well.
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IxisNaugus posted 28/11/2009, 04:12
So it finally busted a million, with a massive contribution from Others. I really wish the Pikmin games and Donkey Kong would reach a million...
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Khuutra posted 16/11/2009, 10:50
I said ten months ago that it would reach a million.

That.... man, I was right when I said it would be a "slow road".
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 13/11/2009, 05:43
Nice, it finally crawled up to a million :) Pretty fun game.
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marcianito posted 13/11/2009, 04:39
already a million, the only wiimake that did
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Smeags posted 13/11/2009, 02:46
Big ol' million seller!
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