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The Creative Assembly



Release Dates

03/03/09 Sega
12/25/09 Sega
03/04/09 Sega

Community Stats

Owners: 101
Favorite: 6
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

810,000 Units
As of: March 31st, 2009

Opinion (11)

thewastedyouth posted 24/10/2012, 04:11
when the game was first released it did have bugs UP THE ASS but with the latest update from STEAM all of them are fixed

my game has not crashed ever since the latest update

awesome game, sad CREATIVE ASSEMBLY is owned by SEGA

SEGA is the sick man of the industry like ATARI, they look like they are about to die and they keep going but they are spent
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IllegalPaladin posted 01/03/2010, 11:11
I couldn't tell you if there's any sales information of the game from retailers. However, I do know for a fact that Valve doesn't release Steam sales numbers so we're not going to know Empire: Total War's sales.
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SegaWorld posted 17/01/2010, 05:08
anybody knows the sales of this game?
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chapset posted 04/08/2009, 05:19
I change my mind the game was full of bugs, I made two campaign using the Prussians and the Marathas but I end up using the same troops, that's really bad when you see the great variety of troops there was in Rome:total war
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Hemuli posted 24/04/2009, 04:07
This game is so awesome! It's just as awesome as rome total war was back in the days, if not better. I've played this for so many hours and yet I have only scratched the surface of it. I'm still on my first campain (prussians FTW!) and i have barely played sea battles yet.

But is anyone else having troubles with the sound? Sometimes when there's lots of firing going on you can't hear some canons and rifles fire. It's also a bit too easy, just like the earlier totalwars. But perhaps when I put on very hard and take a more challenging nation than Prussia it will become harder.

Still it's by far GOTY.
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non-gravity posted 15/04/2009, 01:14
yeah the battle mechanics are totally different. I just like to have enough horseriders and then fully charged into the enemy infantry.
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