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Review Scores




Big Huge Games



Release Dates

05/20/03 Microsoft Game Studios
(Add Date)
05/23/03 Microsoft Game Studios

Community Stats

Owners: 84
Favorite: 6
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

859,560 Units
As of: July 1st, 2018

Opinion (5)

Spedfrom posted 24/05/2009, 04:39
Played the multiplayer demo, rushed out the door to buy the game. Single player is an afterthought, but the multiplayer is great.
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zexen_lowe posted 02/01/2009, 05:37
Great game, the last ages it would turn often into a mess, but other than that, the gameplay is pretty good and addicting. 9/10
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Theo posted 24/12/2008, 12:34
I freakin loved this game, battles could get so huge : D
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c03n3nj0 posted 18/07/2008, 06:28
this game gets too addiciting :(
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Mummelmann posted 16/12/2007, 04:47
A must have for all RTS fans.
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