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Alternative Names

Eldar Saga

ヴァルハラナイツ エルダールサーガ


K2 / Kurogane



Release Dates

09/29/09 Xseed Games
10/08/09 Marvelous Interactive
09/17/10 Rising Star

Community Stats

Owners: 19
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

16,000 Units
As of: September 30th, 2009

Opinion (24)

JazzB1987 posted 27/04/2011, 09:46
This is one of the reasons thos idiots dont publish Arc Rise Fantasia in europe. They make horrible games and publish them worldwide. And mediocre games like Arc Rise Fantasia get bad dubs. And flop in the states but not as much as this here. And so they decide to not publish it in europe. Idiots destroying their own company with this "strategy"
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Chrizum posted 26/12/2010, 01:45
Scratch that, it's extremely bad. It's terrible!
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Chrizum posted 23/12/2010, 06:35
Just picked it up. It's pretty bad. A poor man's Monster Hunter Tri
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Kenology posted 03/12/2010, 03:37
If anyone has this and is looking to play online, PM me. Just picked this back up after a long hiatus - life after Monster Hunter 3 tri...
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kanjitech18 posted 06/04/2010, 07:53
I'm still more or less on the fence with this game. I'm gonna buy another Wii soon, original got stolen, and am looking for some games for it. I'm a fan of RPGs so I'm looking into this one.
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sc94597 posted 02/01/2010, 10:20
@Spyro I spent about 70hrs in it, and plan on maxing out my character's stats.
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