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Review Scores



Alternative Names



Bungie Studios



Other Versions


Release Dates

11/09/04 Microsoft Game Studios
11/11/04 Microsoft Game Studios
11/11/04 Microsoft Game Studios

Community Stats

Owners: 679
Favorite: 55
Tracked: 8
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 4

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

8,000,000 Units

Opinion (65)

hellobion2 posted 26/11/2023, 12:22
Nothing beats halo!
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hellobion2 posted 25/11/2023, 06:19
miss the good old days of xbox live with this game
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Dadrik posted 30/08/2014, 09:40
Still the best console FPS of all time, and one of my favourite games.
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fluky-nintendy posted 23/07/2014, 08:31
XB was basically the Halo box
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Chris Hu posted 19/03/2014, 08:39
Since I know for a fact that GT3 was heavily bundled in North America this is still the best selling first party exclusive game of the 6th generation in that region and could have sold a bit better without a PC version.
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ice posted 01/07/2013, 01:01
Please MS do a remake for Xbox one, I never got to play this online as I only did lan :(
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