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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

God of War: Rakujitsu no Hisoukyoku

ゴッド・オブ・ウォー 落日の悲愴曲


Ready at Dawn



Other Versions


Release Dates

03/04/08 Sony Computer Entertainment
07/10/08 Capcom
03/28/08 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 533
Favorite: 34
Tracked: 6
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 11

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

3,264,180 Units
As of: May 30th, 2012

Opinion (197)

tontus posted 05/05/2013, 08:16
I should have added to why GoW:GoS sold much less. Piracy was huge at the time it released. It released the same year as GoW3 and was seen as vastly inferior (which is unfair to compare a PSP games to a PS3 game). Also the PSP was doing poorly everywhere in the world apart from Japan where apart from GoW3 the series was never popular. Looks like I was right about GoW:GoS being around 1-1.5m, it was at 1.2m by May 31st 2012. I wonder how much it sold now, probably around 1.75-2.00m (including digital).

God of War: Chains of Olympus did amazingly well, I bet a God of War on the Vita could be just as successful and a vastly better game thanks to the much improved hardware and a 2nd analogue stick!
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tontus posted 28/10/2011, 04:21
I wouldn't say GOS had a deeper story because all the God of War games have amazing stories and writing, however GOS focused more a Kratos' character for the first time in the series which was not only brilliantly done and added depth to his character but really adds to the overall story in the series. I think GOS sold less at retail because it must've done amazingly on PSN, digital distribution was nowhere near as big when COO was released which explains why it did so well at retail. GOS is probably somewhere from 1-1.5m including psn.
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Propaganda posted 22/10/2011, 08:49
Why did this sell much better than Ghost of Sparta? From what i heard and seen Ghost of Sparta had a much deeper story?
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Jay520 posted 26/07/2011, 05:27
Attention all God of War fans! God of War is in danger of being eliminated from the "best Sony games" thread. Click here to vote for God of War:
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Heavenly_King posted 09/06/2011, 09:51
HD version here I GOWWWWWWWWWWW!! lol XD
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 26/12/2010, 11:56
Fucking abomination is an embarassment to the franchise >:O Felt waaaay to watery. However, there were a couple of epic scenes that saved it from total humiliation.
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