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EA Canada



Other Versions

XB, PS2, GEN, SNES, GG, GB, SCD, PS3, X360, Series

Release Dates

10/05/10 EA Sports
(Add Date)
01/20/11 EA Sports

Community Stats

Owners: 22
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 4
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (25)

1 n/a 17,122 n/a 2,558 19,680
2 n/a 11,629 n/a 1,738 13,367
3 n/a 15,414 n/a 2,303 17,717
4 n/a 16,456 n/a 2,459 18,915
5 n/a 9,631 n/a 1,439 11,070
6 n/a 3,377 n/a 505 3,882
7 n/a 3,551 n/a 531 4,082
8 n/a 6,060 n/a 906 6,966
9 n/a 9,569 n/a 1,430 10,999
10 n/a 17,991 n/a 2,688 20,679
kopstudent89 posted 01/10/2011, 12:18
Exremely addictive... i did not expect to like this game so much!
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Fededx posted 06/04/2011, 01:57
Deserves it... It's a good game, but what EA did was wrong. Nintendo dedicated some time at E3 for this game, because it was a Wii exclusive, and then it's ported to the HD consoles and cheaper? Way to go EA, hope you learn from this.
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Fededx posted 06/04/2011, 01:57
Deserves it... It's a good game, but what EA did was wrong. Nintendo dedicated some time at E3 for this game, because it was a Wii exclusive, and then it's ported to the HD consoles and cheaper? Way to go EA, hope you learn from this.
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z101 posted 10/02/2011, 03:50
@josewiisantos: The Wii Version is much better than the PS360 version.
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josewiisantos posted 02/02/2011, 06:57
I'm kinda happy it did so bad on all consoles, I feel chated by EA as a wii owner. Is really not fair what they did, making it cheaper for the HD version and adding other features it was really stupid. I was going to buy this title day one on the wii but screw you EA! I'm glad sales show what happens when the customer feels cheated.
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NeoStar9 posted 10/01/2011, 05:49
Nah. After all the crap and lies EA pulled with this title it didn't really deserve to do well.
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