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Codemasters Birmingham



Other Versions

PC, X360

Release Dates

09/20/11 Codemasters
10/06/11 Codemasters
09/23/11 Codemasters

Community Stats

Owners: 14
Favorite: 3
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (6)

1 n/a 19,650 103,581 37,463 160,694
2 n/a 6,077 61,800 21,508 89,385
3 26,311 3,508 28,352 9,975 68,146
4 7,316 2,846 17,656 6,310 34,128
5 4,467 2,886 14,878 5,390 27,621
6 3,045 2,803 18,064 6,468 30,380
7 2,689 3,695 23,636 8,436 38,456
8 2,285 2,603 18,403 6,530 29,821
9 2,107 1,613 16,438 5,791 25,949
10 1,922 2,340 20,164 7,159 31,585
Riku148 posted 12/06/2012, 08:45
Manciu you were wrong...even f1 2010 online is still working
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ManciuD posted 07/06/2012, 07:21
i saw the game on store for 10$(mall)
but i dindt get because i think the online in dead?
right or wrong?
dont tell be its active :(
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Riku148 posted 06/06/2012, 06:33
It's just a nice game
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-girgosz- posted 15/10/2011, 01:14
I don't think this is going to hit 1 million.
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shinhawk posted 01/10/2011, 09:10
Don't make such a conclusion by judging only the first week sales. Besides selling 155K in the first week is still really good. As the weeks come, they'll only sell more and even if it doesn't hit 1mil, 2011 will most likely sell in the high six figures and make a huge profit.
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Munkeh111 posted 29/09/2011, 06:00
Half the sales of the first in the first week, should hopefully get them to rethink the yearly strategy, as they don't have the resources to make it work
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