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Alternative Names

Mario vs. Donkey Kong: MiniMini Saikoushin!

マリオvs.ドンキーコング ミニミニ再行進!


Nintendo Software Technology Corporation



Release Dates

06/08/09 Nintendo
10/07/09 Nintendo
08/21/09 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 56
Favorite: 2
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 2
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Opinion (9)

Soma posted 27/03/2012, 08:30
not for free, I bought it and liked it very much. Got Gold in all levels :)
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sethnintendo posted 02/03/2012, 12:56
Same here.. Got it for free from Club Nintendo. I haven't played it yet but I am sure I'll enjoy it.
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goldeneye0065r posted 02/01/2012, 08:51
same here
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d21lewis posted 22/12/2011, 10:23
Got it for free. Thanks, Club Nintendo!!
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andremop posted 25/05/2010, 01:34
Amazing game! Way too hard too lol! It's making me sweat in world 2!
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Jokex posted 04/09/2009, 02:47
i'm agree with sherlock99. good game!
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