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VGChartz Score




Relic Entertainment



Release Dates

09/06/11 THQ
(Add Date)
09/09/11 THQ

Community Stats

Owners: 24
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

1,099,680 Units
As of: July 1st, 2018

Opinion (4)

zarx posted 05/02/2012, 03:24
Good game, a hidden gem to be sure, much better than the PC version of Gears of War lol
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B.E.S.O posted 03/11/2011, 01:02
According to THQ it sold 1.2 Million on all platforms, while the majority of sales was from PC digital services. I guess now you know why developers are making PC games. Because most of time it sells more than any other platform - PC/X360 Owner.
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yog-sothot posted 20/09/2011, 07:26
because most of the PC sales are made on the digital space...
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nilli posted 19/09/2011, 10:51
Wow look at these unbeliveable sales! Why do the developers bother with the pc?
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