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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names



Project Soul



Other Versions

All, X360

Release Dates

01/31/12 Namco Bandai
02/02/12 Namco Bandai
02/03/12 Namco Bandai

Community Stats

Owners: 42
Favorite: 3
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

1,020,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2018

Opinion (10)

KingWithNoKrown posted 10/01/2014, 03:31
Was SCV the best in the series? no. Was it the worst? certainly not.

Sure it lacks offline modes, arcade endings, a good story and other things but to the core the game is good. It was the little things that prevented it from being great however. This could have easily been the next big fighting game.

Though the SC franchise always had a wierd run. One entry does well then next doesn't.

Total sales should be at 1.5-ish Million btw.

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thewastedyouth posted 14/05/2013, 05:02
Japanese game sales are so low, then I asked around and found out that games cost like 80 bucks
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 24/08/2012, 10:16
Woo. Whatta flop. Rented this game and was bored within an hour. Dunno what changed, but it just isn't fun anymore. The weakest of the "big" fighting franchises by far this gen.
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-girgosz- posted 04/08/2012, 02:40
"SoulCalibur V sold 680,000 units to bring its lifetime sales to 1.38 million"

Seems like this is undertracked by a LOT
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peachyO posted 03/03/2012, 09:45
@dark_gh0st_b0y: thank you; i wish it wasn't true.
@Barozi: when i say "no customization", again i am referring to the standard characters, not the created ones. past sc game allowed you to purchase new outfits, accessories, palette changes, and weapons with different properties. that is all gone. so to is the arcade mode; 6 matches with no intros, endings, cutscenes, or even storyboards is not acceptable. and a "story mode" that is almost ALL cutscenes and storyboards, and a paltry 20 matches that can be completed in an hour. and you are restricted to using only 3 characters; previous sc games allowed you to choose any fighter on the roster. these, and the criticisms of my first post, are why i feel the way i do. (but i do respect your right to disagree with me; thanks for doing so in a civil manner). this game relies soley on nostalgia and online play to sell it, and it isn't working. it has already been discounted. the truth is that, after the nostalgia wears off and the online support fades away (as it does to all games eventually) anyone who bought this game is stuck with a title which has almost no single player mode and nothing good that you can't get from cheaper, older, better versions of sc.
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Barozi posted 20/02/2012, 10:13
@peachyO can't fully agree with you. It does have an Arcade mode though it's true that there are no cinematics there (only in Story Mode). I don't understand what you mean with "no customization options for your character" because you obviously can choose for example size, weight, clothing, weapons and stickers.
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